Welcome to the sign-up page for the BH Providers Connect listserv!
BH Providers Connect is a listserv where Washington’s community of behavioral health providers, including licensed behavioral health agencies, suboxone providers, clubhouses, peer run organizations, community-based recovery support providers, Recovery Helpline staff, prevention providers, behavioral health researchers, and other agencies providing behavioral health interventions can communicate with each other as we all work through the COVID-19 crisis in our state.
BH Providers Connect is made possible by funding from DBHR and the Health Care Authority, and is run and moderated by the Washington Council for Behavioral Health.
This provider-centric listserv is intended to facilitate communication among providers and enable participants to share information, experience, resources, and solutions in a collaborative, supportive setting. It is designed to be a safe zone for providers to openly raise questions, ideas, and concerns, and share responses and solutions with each other. Given this focus, the listserv is not open to state agencies, local governments, MCOs, BH-ASOs, or other payors.
To join BH Providers Connect, please enter your name, agency, title, and AGENCY email address (general email addresses like gmail, yahoo, etc. will not be approved), and click Join Now. Once your request has been approved and you’ve received a welcome message, you’ll be able to post messages.
By clicking Join Now, you agree that you have read and agreed to the Privacy Policy found here.