Strengthening Community-Based Treatment & Recovery
The Council has made the very difficult decision to cancel the June 2020 Washington Behavioral Healthcare Conference (WBHC).
While the conference is a ways out, and we hope that the public health risk will have passed and group restrictions will have been lifted by then, there is so much uncertainty and related anxiety attached to the COVID-19 virus that we feel this is the best course of action. Our top priority is our community’s health and safety, and as healthcare providers we’re taking to heart the public health guidance being issued by state and local officials.
This was a very difficult decision, and made out of sincere concern for everyone’s wellbeing; we’re all worried about the health of clients, staff, family, and friends, as well as finding ways to continue providing vital services to the greatest extent possible.
We’re very disappointed we won’t all be able gather together and hear about the great things happening in Washington State, and we hope to see you all at the 2021 WBHC, which will also be held In Kennewick, WA.
Thank you for the important work you’re doing, and please take care of yourselves and each other.
The Washington Council for Behavioral Health is grateful for funding from the Health Care Authority and the Department of Corrections.